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Timing the Adventure

Thirty minutes of something every day is over 100 hours invested at the end of the year. When I consider that my social media timer is set at 1 hour, it makes me pause. Where am I intentionally investing my time? What am I unconsciously practicing?

There is a saying that it takes 10,000 years to go from amateur to professional. That means many of us are looking at being professionals on social media in just a few years. Spend two hours a day online— that adds up to 730 hours in a year. At that rate, you’ll be a professional in 13 years. 

The minutes add up quickly, so where do I spend them? Our phones track everything— even this. Do I want to know? I want to steward my days wisely; add years to my life and serve the Lord in the best ways. We can’t do that distracted. 

Let us not get distracted by things that subtract from our lives. Whether it is the enemy or, (more likely) just us second-guessing or overthinking— believers have no business hanging out in those dark places. Knowing more about what the weapon was will not mitigate the hurt it caused. 

It doesn’t matter where it comes from, because while we are told to be wise to the enemy’s schemes, it does not mean to dissect those things. 2 Corinthians 10:4 tells us that the weapons we use are not of the flesh- and verse 5 tells us that we are to destroy every argument and lofty opinion raised against God. Whether it is our lofty opinions or the enemy’s- we don’t need to spend time dissecting it. We need to take our thoughts captive.

A million things are grabbing for our attention— and even a few seconds at a time adds up each day. Will we be brave and face the hard things and emotions of the day? Not tuck them away or bury them deep somewhere to come out in an argument in the near-distant future or post them on our not-so-private-facebook stories. Recognize that our emotions tell us something about ourselves, and decoding them and sitting with them is giving ourselves the space and validation we deeply crave.

Disappointed? You might crave a brownie—physical comfort for the emotional loss of expectations— just sit with it. 

Alyson Stone says this on her website about Emotional resilience: 

“Feelings are like ocean waves — they rise, crest and recede, all day long. Dr. Taylor’s research shows that the entire “wave” process takes 90 seconds if you identify, label, and accept your emotion. This last step involves allowing the feeling to exist without trying to shove it down or deny it, or conversely, magnify it or make it a big deal. Simply observe it.” –Alyson M Stone

(You can read Dr. Taylor’s article in Psychology Today here)

Our bodies are amazing, created by God to be adaptable to physical, emotional, and spiritual environments. Yet still subject to our thoughts as we are given free will. I can experience disappointment, changing circumstances or other people’s emotions and choose how to respond by processing how I feel about it. Just 90 seconds to feel it. 

We don’t need to fix it, forget it, ignore it, or shove it— we can experience the emotion as information, sit with it, then decide how to show up. 

Instead of running to social media, or starting a new project— I can steward my time well and stay off the scroll. 

We are more than conquerers. We have wisdom, guidance, and “don’t do it” stories in scripture. 

We can pray and sit with the Lord. We are brave enough to face the hard moments instead of avoiding them. We are strong enough to take responsibility for our part and give grace to those who have wronged us. We are self-controlled enough to avoid the buffers and take authority over our emotions and the way we spend our time. 

How we spend our time is telling. What are we practicing? What will that thing become as the years sneak by? 

I know it has been a rough patch my friend, and you didn’t know how to step into or out of your emotions. Maybe the circumstances feel like a mountain and you don’t even have a shovel. You are a conqueror too, and its time to get back up and step into your life. You can’t control people, but you are 90 seconds away from more freedom for you. 

Invest in the you 5 years from now— what is she thankful you learned to do? 

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